We make mining crypto easy!
We at Mine Ranch considered the difficulty of getting into crypto mining and decided that we could make it easier by providing an easy to use software for gamers or other pc owners who already have the GPU's necessary to mine with. Our software makes it as easy as adding an Ethereum wallet and clicking a button when you aren't gaming and then clicking the same button when you want to game. This allows you to mine without having to worry about degraded gaming performance.
Why not mine? You get crypto which has monetary value for doing nothing. It costs you nothing. There is a slightly increased electric bill but that is vastly offset by the value of the crypto currency mined. You can expect to earn between 60 and 200 dollars per GPU per month depending on what type of GPU your system has and you can expect your electric bill to go up by $8 to $10 dollars per GPU per month.
Having been gamers ourselves, we understand that much of a gamers free time is taken up by gaming. That's why it was our goal to make a software that can be running all the time and be easily turned on and off to make mining and earning crypto as easy as clicking a button when you aren't gaming and clicking another button when you're ready to game. Whether you're at work, in school or just doing something around the house, you can click a button and be confident you're earning crypto.
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